Draw Something is an app available to people who own an iphone or a droid mobile phone. It is a game and requires two people in order to play. The rules are that one person gets a word and he or she has to draw it while the other person has to guess what it is. The two people can chat with one another during the game as well. It is just a fun way for two people to communicate with each other without texting or talking on the phone. They can also be thousands of miles away from each other as well and still play the game together. That is way this app was such a great idea because it allows people to reconnect with one another and be able to do things together even when they are far away from one another and cannot physically be together.
It is very important for people to be able to sustain long lasting relationships and this application allows people to remain connected. It can be very hard for friendships to last because people get older and their lives change. They move somewhere farther away or they get married and start a family. This app is a great way for these people to remain connected and not lose contact. It isn't the type of game that you have to sit there and play and not be able to do anything else. When it is your turn, you can go whenever you want on your own time. Before all of these new ways to communicate and these advancements in technology, it was almost impossible to be able to sustain a long distance friendship with someone. Now, thanks to apps like this, it is not only easier, it can be fun too.
In the Taylor et al Article, she talks about the importance of relational goals and being able to pursue and sustain long-lasting quality relationships. This app allows you to and makes it easier for you to be able to do that. It does not guarantee anything but it can definitely help two friends not drift apart and lose complete contact from another. It gives them a chance to still do things with each other without being anywhere near each other. This app is a great way to communicate with others and a great way to sustain relationships that are important to you.
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