Thursday, December 1, 2011

Google Talk

Google Talk is another amazing way of communicating with friends, family, co workers etc. Google Talk has many different capabilities which make it popular and widely used. It is available to anyone but is mainly targeted to those with Gmail accounts. Having a Gmail account allows Google talk to manage your contacts more efficiently. It makes it easier for you to contact people you already know instead of going through the hassle of finding them all over again with a different screen name like most messaging networks similar to this one.
Google Talk allows you to send messages to your contacts even if they are not signed in. They will receive the messages when they go back online regardless if the sender is online. Another capability of Google Talk is voicemail. Voicemail messages can be up to 10 minutes long. They will be delivered to the contact's mailboxes as an MP3 attachment. Recipients who use Gmail are offered better integration. Gmail recognizes it as a voicemail and allows you to listen to the message or download it to your computer. Google Talk also allows you to send files like MP3 downloads, pictures, etc to contacts in your contact list. The most used feature on Google Talk is the instant messaging feature. It conveniently pops up on your desktop, making it easily accessible at any time. The instant messaging feature allows you to send quick thoughts in real time. It allows you to have an instant conversation, without the hassle of making phone calls. There is also a status update feature which allows you to see where your friends are and what they are up to. The video chat feature is also used frequently. This feature enables you to make PC to PC calls to anyone in the world. You can also do video conferencing where you can talk to multiple people at one time. Keeping in contact with your family or friends can be difficult at times especially if you are in different states or even countries. Google Talk allows you to communicate with them regardless of how far away they are.

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