Extra Credit-ICQ
ICQ is an online media company providing communication
tools, content and services to an online community of millions of users
worldwide (www.icq.com). ICQ is a form of
instant messaging just like gmail, yahoo and google. It was established in
summer ’96 under the name Mirabilis. It was founded by four young males in
their twenties. The reason for this creative website is because they knew that
people were connected to the Internet but not interconnected. They wanted to
build a community within this service so everyone can feel love and be one. This
technology just helps bring people together in a world of information, fun and
entertainment. Also it was about networking in a more effective way because to
them Instant Messaging was the missing link. This technology made peer-to-peer
communication possible! This company had fallen under the great AOL which made
success in great ways. ICQ had built communities where people can socialize,
communicate and simply hangout with everybody, everywhere. This new program
wants to attract any crowd who uses this program but more to the young.
Attracting the young is easy because each and every one is up to date on
technology nowadays and what to do with it. ICQ gives you everything that you
ever wanted because you can play games, share messages, videos, pictures, and
more. You are able to download this on your mobile: iPhone, Android, Symbian,
BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Java, Bada and Mobile-Web Chat. As
it was said by Campbell & Park article that mobile devices or mobile
communication plays a central role in mass communication and that social change
in our society result in the rapid increase for the use of these mobile
technologies. With this program at hand, change will come. But also you can
have the opportunity to download it on your toolbar, skins, Mac and Linux. This
is a free program that many users can get too. As statistics have shown that
there are over 42 million active users, 425 million downloads, available in 16
languages, 47 percent female and 53 male users. This is a great program!
Everyone should get on this and get out the comfort zone. You can have fun with
this program in many ways and make the best out of it. It’s the future of
tomorrow and so I would like you to be part of the future!
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