Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kadell Gregory

          I decided to do this assignment on labor day when we did not have class. I didn't get up till around 11, giving me a late start to the day. I realized a long time ago that when I first get up I grab my phone to see that time and any notifications I might have received while I was asleep. I don't have any other way to check the time so this has become a habit that I am sure I'm not the only one guilty of. I thought that my first type of communication would be through Instagram or text but surprisingly it was through snap chat. Even after this day was done I realized that snap chat was my go to form of communication. Instagram use to be the first thing I checked for a while until I deleted my Instagram account.  
         I spent most of this day in my suite/room with my suite mates and realized when I am bored I would go on snap chat, YouTube, and text to pass the time. I don't think I do as much activity outside the room because I am conscious of the battery life on the phone. I was watching videos on YouTube for 40 minutes at one time. I would never do in public. I think its a mix of knowing that my phone wont last long and other stimulates that keep me off my phone. When I was home I would hang out with my suite mates but their is only so much we could do.
        In conclusion I believe that snap chat is my first form of communication which is surprising to me. I also believe its not only mine. When I am awake I have a choice to go through hundred of seconds of snap chat stories from all my contacts. Peoples first option when they get up is to post a snap story and chronicle their day. Even though the snap chat stories are one to many it is the biggest form of communication for my age group. Also I believed that when I am home I use YouTube and other forms of communication at a higher rate then if I was out. Just looking through how much I used my phone to communicate that day I would have to say that this hypothesis is factual. I do agree outside of my home I do use my phone a lot but not at the rate when I'm at home.      

Journal Analysis

My Use of Media

Within my time studying my use of social media within my daily life, I have come to the generalization that I tend to use my media as a filler between my activities. I seem to be bouncing around from one activity to the next, whether that be with class, playing video games, doing homework, or even getting dressed in the morning. whenever I tend to have a gap, no matter how small or big it seems, I tend to fill that gap with some use of social media.

The media I decided to use at the time generally depended on the window of opportunity presented to me. If the window was generally big, I may reply to couple of text messages from friends, or go and watch a clip on YouTube. If the window was generally small, I seemed to just make small updates within my life, like checking my Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram feed, just to keep up to date with what was going on. Even so, most of the media I used tended to be on my phone and in tandem with something. For instance, if I was getting dressed in the morning, I may have decided to watch a YouTube clip or a live stream on to pass the time of me getting dressed. If I was in between games on my Xbox One, I tended to respond to text messages or check my other social media outlets. The devices and media I used were also the ones I were more accustomed and more used to using. The main devices being my phone, Xbox One, and laptop, are the devices I use with high frequency everyday and the social medias are along the same aspect.

In conclusion, I tend to use my social media as fillers between the main events of my day. The social media I use generally depended on the window of opportunity I had. Some, such as Facebook and Twitter, were used when I had a small window and others, like texting, were used when I had a bigger window. I also used my social media in tandem with one another, like replying to a text while watching a YouTube video.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trust Building Activity Group 4

Our group decided that the best way to trust each other is just to know each other better is just to ask each other questions, also known as 20 questions.

Too make this computer and app based we decided to make a Groupme.  Having a Groupme will also be helpful for us later in the semester as we go forward with our projects.

We made the GroupMe and started with simple questions like where are we from and what we want to do.  As we ask more questions we start being more comfortable with each other so we get more comfortable with each other.  We think this a great way to build trust with each other and be more comfortable around one another.

Trust Building Activity

Brandon Berman, Sam Anderson, Katie Bruno, Ian Morris, Devon Mitchell

Claim: With the use of mobile technology our team was quickly and efficiently able to answer the questions presented on family feud. A great way to build trust online is giving out your personal information to others with the hope that they don't abuse the privilege, which is hyper personal.

We played a game called family feud where your timed to find the right answer for a question. We relied on each other via group message to get the right answers as quick as possible so we could win the game. No one could slack off due to the lack of personal space, because everybody needed to be pay attention and participate. We also used mobile symbioses which helped us use the same mind set, and not in the public sphere.

New ways to communicate activity- Andy Gee, Olivia Fried, Andrew Vickers, Audrey M, Shannon Hui

In orders to gain trust of members within the group, we created a GroupMe chat so that all members of the group can communicate through a convenient mobile platform. Through the GroupMe we asked on the group various questions about each other such as favorite color, favorite cartoon, where you are from, and etc. Through this activity we learn various aspects about each group member. By learning more about each group member we are able to gain a common foundation with everyone. It is much easier to work in groups when you know more about each group member. This helps with being comfortable with the people you work with and can help gain trust between members when you have to rely on each other to get work done.

Trust Questionnaire

Raymond Chau
Derek Moses
Katherine Farrell



Our group decided to make an ice breaker questionnaire to help develop trust within our group. This questionnaire will further dive into personal aspects of ourselves so, we become closer. We choose to use the application Group Me as a platform for our questionnaire. Using Group Me was the most efficient way due to the fact that most people are constantly on their phone.

Based on the reading that we were assigned, it says that to be an effective group, member support is very important.  By using the application Group Me, members can be engaged constantly and are forced to interact and work together especially when filling out this questionnaire.  Getting to know each other better will help us all develop stronger relationships and trust so that when it comes to our project we know we can depend on each other.

Jarvenpaa, S. L. and Leidner, D. E. (1998), Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

How to write an academic analytic blog post

As I mentioned previously, this is a blog written and maintained by my computer mediated communication class. Part of the class requires students to contribute (depending on the class content) as either a group or an individual. So what goes into writing an "analytical" or "academic" blog post? How might it be different than a reporter's or a personal, special interest?

Well, first, the audience may be reading the blog post for a different reason than a personal or reporter's blog. They are not looking for the story only (although you may want to use a story approach to your writing). Like a reporter, an analytic or academic blog post will want supporting information. Unlike a report, however, an academic or analytic blog reader would like to have your educated input, either interpreting data/stories, creating a theory or hypothesis (based on your analysis of the data), and/or explaining how something is important and/or will impact the reader. This is partly opinion (based on analysis) backed up with supporting information. Using the basics of argumentation (claim-warrant-impact or claim-warrant-data), your reader should be able to logically follow your analysis.


When writing a blog post for Blogger, you have two options: Compose Mode and HTML.  If you comfortable using HTML, then HTML mode gives you more control over how your blog will look.   The majority of users, however, find the compose mode simple to follow.

Some of the features in compose mode you may want to use: The box on the tool bar on top that says "Normal" can be changed to heading, subheading, and minor heading. However, unless you want an entire paragraph enlarged and bold, you will need to make sure there is a space between the heading and your paragraphs.

You can link your blog to supporting information (as I did above, linking the text in blue to the Purdue OWL site).  This gives your reader choice in whether they want to access original supporting information or to take your word for it. Click on the Link button on the tab above.

You can also indent information you might want to import from another site (a long quote in most academic papers) Click on the quote mark on the left side of the tool bar, then cut and paste the section you want to include, click on the quote mark again (which closes the quote).  You should then put the author and/or website in parenthesis at the end of the quote and link the author's name to the original site.

Finally, you might want to include graphics such as a graph or table. The easiest way to do this is to create a GIF file of the graph or table (save as GIF) then use the picture feature (button that looks like a picture of the mountains on the tool bar at the top).


When writing for a blog, there are some things you need to keep in mind:

  • Readers may be accessing blog on a cell phone or mobile device
  • Readers may come back to reread portions of the blog
  • Readers may just skim to ensure your post is what they are looking for
With this in mind, the blog post style may be different than an academic paper. Specifically:

  • Headings and subheadings help to identify relevant material.
  • Material under a heading should not be more than one computer screen.
  • You should try to keep the length of a paragraph to 2 or 3 lines so they are easier to read on a mobile device. This is not always possible so make sure it still makes sense.
  • Use lists and bullet points to make it easier to skim
  • Make the sentences shorter, but not just declarative.  Questions help to break up a page and change the style. Linking words also help.
  • Make the tone professional, yet conversational. You might want to read it out loud.
  • Make sure you have checked grammar and spelling.  A mistake here or there will not lose a reader, but many mistakes and typos makes you lose your credibility.  Proof read in the "view blog" format and then go back and edit.
  • Use white space to make it easier for your reader to skim and return.
  • Include relevant resources at the end, either a bibliography or references with links.

Sharing your blog post

So now you've written your blog post. It's really good and you want others to see it. How do you do that?

First, you use "labels", "tags", or "hashtags".  Under Post Settings to the right of the screen is a button called "Labels". Click on this and input key words for your post. For example, for this post I will include the label "student blogs""academic blogs""writing blog posts".  I will also include the hashtag #cmc.  This means when someone is searching using any of those key words, they will be able to find my post.

Next, I will share this post on RELEVANT social media sites.  If you use twitter, linkedin, or facebook for academic or professional reasons, you will want to share the link to your blog post. My facebook account is mostly used for interaction so posting this link on facebook would be inappropriate.

On twitter, I will post the link to 4 communities that I know are interested in this topic (#phdchat, #ecrchat, #adjunctchat, and #acwri).  In addition, I am a member of two academic communities: and  I will be uploading a copy of this post.

Finally, I will check as to how well received this was and take that into consideration for my next blog post.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

CMC blog Andy Gee, Scott Batista, Shaina Rae Sanchez, Audrey Marcon

Our group chose to use Spotify as our mobile technology. This application is accessible on both web-based devices and mobile devices. Spotify allows users to download and stream music through the Sportify application. Not only can you download music but you can also create your own playlists and listen to playlists that Spotify has readily available. 
On a web-based device, Spotify provides more free options for users. For example the free application on your desktop allows you to play individual songs whenever you want. The application on your desktop is more organized and visually pleasing - everything is easier to navigate. While the free mobile application is more convenient, it contains a lot of restrictions that are not on the web based version. You cannot play individual songs unless they are already on a playlist or within the premium service. Even then, you are not allowed to choose which song to play on a playlist, everything is on shuffle. 

Shannon Hui, Katie Bruno, Jon Serrano, Kadell Gregory

9/2 class: Find an app that would work for you equally as well on a computer as on mobile technology. You will write a blog post about that technology. It will need to be unique from your class mates. Explain why this works for you on both devises. Include the strengths, weaknesses, considerations, and gratifications. Also, how would you use this on each of the devises? Would it differ? Be the same? This should be about 2-3 paragraphs.

The app we chose that works equally as well on a computer as on a mobile device is groupme. Groupme is an app that allows you to message people individually/as a group no matter what platform you use. For example, someone with an iphone can keep up with someone who has an android who can also keep up with someone who has no phone and only can access it from a computer. It's a favorited app between college students and workplaces to create a convenient place to collaborate different ideas.
The website has the exact same layout as the mobile app and it is very user friendly. You can change from conversation to conversation fairly quickly and easily. There are also emojis! The strengths of groupme is that it is easily accesible by anyone on any platform and anywhere. IT'S FREE!!! This includes international communication. One weakness is that it isn't marketed to the extent it should be. Most of us have heard about it through word of mouth. Also, when transmitted the video quality is not great. It's primarily used as a textual way of conveying information.
Almost everyone I know has groupme on their device because it's a primary form of communicating during group projects. On a website, you would type in and login. On your mobile device you will just click the app and it'll open up.

Facebook Accessibility- Andrew Vickers, Brandon Berman, Katherine Farrell, Devon Mitchell

Andrew Vickers, Brandon Berman, Katherine Farrell, Devon Mitchell

Facebook is the most universal social network. It works well on both mobile devices and web-based devices. The creators of Facebook made the app to be fluid on-the-go or from a stationary place. Even with the introduction of the Facebook messenger app, it just became an easier way to access your private messages between people you are communicating with.

Facebook, with the amount of revenue they have made, has worked to make the site better, more accessible, and is making sure to keep up to date to what its users seem would make it better. They are constantly keeping track of their audience, and even trying to incorporate things from other applications to make Facebook more universal for all, on mobile devices and web-based devices.

In addition, Facebook has the most outlets out of any Social Network including Facebook messenger, Instagram, and video messaging services. Facebook also has the best branding out of any site. It is easy to distinguish, and since most companies try to connect with their audience through Facebook with groups, it helps to gap the connection between individuals and major companies.

Overall, Facebook is just a very solid Social Media app, being the top in their field. Its continuous updating to keep users happy, as well as bridging the gap between companies and the individuals is what makes Facebook the most reliable and the best in the business.

Group 3: Olivia Fried, Bryan Saur, ian morse, Sam Anderson

Our team believes that Facebook Messenger is an app that works equally as well on a computer and on a mobile device.  This app works well for both devices because it is equally as fast.  Not only can you just message through this app, but you can now take pictures, make video chat calls, and send links that can be opened on any device.  We feel the weakness for this app is we do not always check it when we do receive a message.  Sometimes we turn our notifications off so it does not bother our daily schedules.  As a result, we read our message later on and not when it is sent at that specific time.

However, the strengths of Facebook Messenger are the easy accessibility we have for it.  For example, if we do not have somebody's number, then we can easily Facebook message them for their cell phone number.  Also, group messages can be formed which helps tremendously instead of sending out mass messages to a lot of different people; it is all in one message.  Overall, Facebook Messenger is a great app that is easy to use, convenient for our everyday lives, and well liked by people of all ages.

Gabriel Bibuld, Abigail Banks, Raymond Chau,karesse rivero

Group # 5 has selected Youtube as their application of choice, when referring to compatibility on both mobile and desktop devices. Youtube is a video based application which enables users to both post and view videos that have been uploaded from around the world. This application has had major success as the age of technology has proceeded. It has not only become a profitable business through online advertising, but also lead independent video makers to instant fame. Youtube is one of the first websites in which people are able to freely share videos. Youtube also allows musical artists to view feedback on their newest video or musical work.
There appear to be both similarities and differences between the mobile and desktop versions of Youtube. The size of the video being displayed will always be bigger on a desktop , then on a mobile devise. There is also limited compatibility when using Youtube on a mobile devise, videos are sometimes not able to be played. Often times users of Youtube create tabs so they can listen to a constant stream of music, on the mobile app it is impossible to multi task.