Wednesday, October 19, 2011 is a video and audio podcasting site. The thing that is really unique about hipcast is that the information is managed from the cloud. By having all your files stored on the cloud you can access and post information from anywhere, even your phone. Your multimedia is automatically backed up so you never have to worry about losing any information. You can also control your subscriber experience. That means that there will never be advertisements on your blog and you have total control over what your subscribers see. There is no delay between when you post and when your subscribers can listen to your podcast. Hipcast also connects to iTunes. Hipcast prides itself on staying up to date on technology so you have every advantage to be as creative as you want with your blog. There is a 7 day free trial to see if you like it, if you don’t you can cancel your account at any time.

The problem with Hipcast is when you go to their home page it is very over whelming. There are a lot of boxes with different categories with smaller boxes that link to another page that explain even more about that specific topic. This site is not very persuasive. They don’t seem to have a lot of things trying to get you to join. The site seems over whelming and for browsers you may get a lot of information. As a browser I was looking for an example or a tutorial on how it worked. The site didn’t make it too easy for browsers to become transactors. The one incentive was the 7 day free trial of the site.

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