Sunday, October 28, 2012


SkyGrid is an application that is featured on the android, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.  It is a simple, yet powerful way to stay up to date on your news. SkyGrid lets you create a personalized newspaper based on the news topics and publication you choose. It offers all of your favorite categories to browse all on one application. These categories consist of, entertainment, health, politics, business, science and tech, sports, and more. Once you scroll through which category you like then picking it. You can pick a topic and a news feed of recent news in that topic will display.   SkyGird is the new beginning to a new change. You can actually save your money and get this free app to give you what you need &  want. Why continue to spend money if SkyGrid can answer your question, simple and fast.  SkyGrid builds products that help connect people with the things they care about most, whether it’s making closer connections with music artists, or staying up to date on trending news. Community Building is key to making fans happy with what they are ought to get. SkyGrid will give you what want! It’s all about connecting people to what they wish for and it shows its commitment by giving it. You can trust this app especially it being the #1 highest use app. It’s just simple, powerful, yet easy to use.

Phones have become apart of identity. Mobile Technology is the new era and with that being said, SkyGrid is going to get you where you need to be.  Being up to date each day with the New York Times or any other post, an app will do the job much easier. If you need to trust a news app and you don't even know any, SkyGrid is what you need! You building a bond with your app is what makes you successful and your app successful. As it was mentioned in the Campbell and Park article, mobile communication plays a central role in mass communication and that social change in our society result in the rapid increase for the use of these mobile technologies.  If society decides to keep up then everyone will be up to date with the new inventions given at hand.  For this app and what it has become, ratings have been impressive especially with fours and fives. SkyGrid, grateful in giving what the people want!

In all with its new touch up, SkyGrid had launched SkyGrid Groups. Groups is a first-of-its-kind Social Messaging platform, connecting the conversations people are having all over the web (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), and others in one place. Conversations can be with your favorite music artist, brands or public figures that you certainly care for.  Your favorite music artist can create a group, and share items from across the web to their selected audience.  SkyGrid Groups connects to your social network, and lets you see how your Facebook friends, and Twitter followers connect to the Groups you're interested in too. SkyGrid does a great job of community building and you should give it a chance by testing it! Why not trust this app, it does give you the news you want.

“The SkyGrid platform provides web-scale infrastructure to help people connect with what they are passionate about.”

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