Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Knowledge on the Candidates

The Presidential Elections come around every 4 years. It is always a big time for the United States. This is the time that we will chose a new leader to run the country for the next four years. Voting is one of the most important ways to let your vote be known. However their is a big chunk of people that chose not to vote. Some people don't vote because of lack of knowledge, forget, no time, etc. I think if people knew of the problems we faced as a country they would care about who took over the White House. I will list a few of the major problem that we need to take care In the United States we have a problem with Mass Incarceration. We have about 5% of the population on the earth but hold about 25% of the incarcerated population in the world. We have a Gun Problem. Where any day of the year their could be a shooting killing multiple people because we care about guns more than we care about human life. We all have our own problems that come to mind when we talk about politics. The process may not be quick but it is necessary to move this country forward. Electing the right official will keep the country moving forward.

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