Sunday, October 2, 2011


The tool that I decided to furthur explore was Dabbleboard, which is an online virtual whiteboard that helps people collaborate, visualize, and share things just like you would in a business meeting or a classroom. I chose this tool because I thought it would be interesting to learn how something as simple as a whiteboard could be used online in order to work with others and share ideas. There are many types of affordances of this virtual whiteboard, such as sharing your whiteboard, chat/video features, and the use of the whiteboard in general. Dabbleboard is an online tool that seems simple, but can be used in many ways to help teachers, students, businesses, and individuals.
The affordances of the use of the whiteboard in general include being able to show work visually, to share ideas visually, and to easily draw and map out an idea to share with others. The whiteboard enables basically anybody to use it because it can be free or you can pay for a bigger membership. Because anybody can sign up to use it, Dabbleboard is a very useful tool that can come in handy in the classroom or business meetings.
The affordances of the chat and video features are also vast. The chat feature allows you to invite people to your whiteboard and give them the ability to chat with you and interact with you while using your whiteboard. The video feature allows you to conference with others while using your whiteboard. These affordances can help you become more effective with your use of your Dabbleboard. The ability to collaborate and share is what makes this tool very useful.
The affordances of sharing your dabbleboard is the ability to help others with what you have created or work with others to create something. Sharing and creating is something that is very important in the classroom, as well as in businesses, and Dabbleboard helps both do just that. Sharing the Dabbleboard could also be helpful when working on a group project, because each person can have a hand in helping create the whiteboard and working together.

Dabbleboard is a tool that could possibly be overlooked because of it's simplicity, but after doing research on the tool, Dabbleboard is a tool that could positively benefit businesses and classrooms, as well as individuals looking to share anything with the world.


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