Monday, December 10, 2012

Giving Smartphones Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever been so mad at your phone because the auto correct  keeps putting in a different word then you would like? Or perhaps your phone call has been dropped 2 times but you have service? Well now there is an app on its way to being released where it can actually tell emotions. Now I know what you're thinking yea well this app is probably going to be a bust...but it actually has worked 81 percent of the time compared to most others which are around 55 percent.

The app has not yet been released by engineers at the University of Rochester have come up with a program that can detect your emotion just based on the pitch. This is different then what most other programs work but it works. As the example given in an article "it is like talking to somebody on the phone from Kenya and knowing their mood even though you don't know one word of swahili". This technology could change how smart phones work in the future because based how you are feeling it can adjust color or music playing to the mood you're in which is a pretty nice luxury. It also would be good for psychologists because they wouldn't have to necessarily see their clients all of the time. They would be able to tell their clients mood on days when they aren't scheduled so they can check up on them. This will change how computer communications work because eventually this technology will go from the phone to the tablet to the laptop and soon all computer will be able to tell emotions, but is giving technology a smart idea? My answer is yes simply because when you're not in a good mood you always want things to work right to get out of it and how good will you feel when you see that that you're phone actually knows you and might treat you better than some friends (hopefully not).

So in conclusion I believe that the new technology is inevitable. I have heard rumors that Bill Gates has can actually detect the mood the inhabitant is in and will change the pictures on the wall accordingly. If this is true then it was only a matter of time before us little people had access to such technology.

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