Wednesday, December 12, 2012


In a society where looks is a major concern, many people have to schedule their lives around doing activities to accomplish this goal. A majority of people that are concerned with their looks often go to their local gym to maintain it. The issue is sometimes things might come up that prevent you from going to the gym and then you just decide to just go another day, even though you have more than enough time to go that day. Usually those days you end up doing something that contradicts an outing at the gym. Well technology has struck again to help avoid this dilemma and its called GymPact.

GymPact is an app/website that helps give an incentive to the avid gym-goer. How it works is simple, you buy the app then you register your gym membership into it and you pick what days that week you are going to go to the gym. Once you have done that you then put in a "stake" that you are willing to pay if you do not go to the gym during that day. If you do go to the gym all of the days you said you would then you actually make money. The whole concept is to provide an incentive to not waste your money on a gym membership you never use and make some money for going to the gym. Now I know what you're thinking only in America would we need such an incentive but I think its genius. Something like this can really help people get into or stay in shape while making some money for doing it. For the stakes the minimum you put up is $5 dollars and it goes all the way up to $100 (if you're a baller) and for every gym session you miss you pay them and that is how they are able to pay those who did go to the gym.

Now this is just another example of how technology is a major role for this app and this shows how the move from web 1.0 to web 2.0 is constant and will keep shifting into web 3.0 and so forth. This is an idea that will definitely branch out and expand. Hopefully gym users will remember to go on the days they plan on because now something is definitely on the line besides their self-esteem.

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