Thursday, December 8, 2011

FaceTime - Extra Credit

     The tool that I am going to be identifying is a feature for the IPhone, IPad, IPod touch or Mac computer called FaceTime.  FaceTime is a video chat feature that allows you to easily stay in touch with others with just a simple tap to your device.  FaceTime allows for you to feel as though you are there in person, even though you’re not.  This feature is strictly for the audience of Apple users and cannot be used among people who do not own any of these products.  I think this is one of the main reasons people many switch over and become Apple users.
     There are many affordances that FaceTime has to offer.  I have already touch a little about FaceTime allowing you to feel as though you are in person with others when you really are not, but this is one of its main points.  Where ever your friends and family are, you can be as well; whether it is talking with family in a different city, making an important meeting with clients or sitting with your friends at a huge baseball game, FaceTime allows you to still have that face-to-face interaction on portable devices.  You no longer need to be sitting at home in front of a computer screen in order to video chat.
     I myself own the IPhone 4 and I am obsessed with FaceTime.  Since I am a college student away from my family, I use it often to FaceTime with my mom and sisters back at home.  I even occasionally FaceTime with my grandparents since they have jumped onboard with the Apple products and purchased and IPad.  FaceTime has also come in handy while I have been away on vacations.  While making phone calls abroad can be expensive, it was absolutely free for me to jump on my IPhone and use the free Wi-Fi my hotel offered to chat with my family at home.  Plus it was great for them to feel as though they were in person with me in Cancun, Mexico!

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