Friday, November 30, 2012

Extra Credit: TweetReach

     When you tweet something that gains the attention of others, it is not uncommon for someone to retweet your tweet. When you tweet something for the first time only your followers will most likely see your tweet, unless someone is searching a keyword that you happened to use but, when someone retweets your tweet then it is seen by all of their followers. People spreading your tweet can create this kind of snowball effect. TweetReach helps to show you the impact your tweet has made and how many people it has reached. Some of the statistics it measures are, how many people saw it, how many people are talking about it, and it can help to "analyze tweets about your hashtag, brand name or URL." The main purpose of this tool according to the website is to "get in-depth social analytics on reach, exposure, tweets, and contributors." The website allows for one time snap shop summary reports or a tracker that is an ongoing analysis.
     What is helpful about these tools is that marketers and different agencies have a way to measure their efforts. If they are launching a new campaign or a product and want exposure on twitter, they need an effective way to measure whether or not their technique is making an impact. Tweetreach does just that by showing the "reach" of your tweets. These impressions are turned into measurable result that can be relayed back to whoever is concerned with the analytics and statistics.
This can help to also shape your network because in order to have a tweet that will travel and create a bigger impact, you need to understand your network. If you have a following of people who are interested in your product, campaign, or your message, then you know they are good candidates to help in creating a greater impact and reach by retweeting, for example. These people become some of your biggest contributors and they are an important asset to have. Tweetreach helps to measure who your greatest contributors are.
     Even without an account you can search a hashtag, username, or tweet and the stats are presented to you. This shows you the accounts reached, the exposure generated by the tweets, activity, who contributes the most, and retweets.
      You can start to develop a community and a sense of trust among your community by catering to them more specifically with what they want to hear. If you understand what is generating buzz and the topics that people are most interested in, you can develop your tweets to be more relevant. TweetReach is a tool that can help you understand what people want to hear and what will increase engagement, driving the conversation forward.

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